Society Constitution

  1. Name
  2. Objects
  3. Membership
  4. Offices and Council
  5. Subscriptions
  6. Meetings
  7. Conduct of Business
  8. Additions to and alterations in rules

Revised 2014


The Name of the society should be:
“ENT Scotland”

II. Objects

The objects of the Society shall be-
The study and advancement of Otology, Laryngology and Rhinology and allied branches of medical science, by the reading of papers, the exhibition of cases, specimens, etc and the discussion of these and of subjects pertinent to the specialty.

111. Membership

The Society shall consist of Honorary and Ordinary Members:-

Honorary Members– The Council have power to nominate those distinguished in the specialty as Honorary Members, but their election shall be subject to ratification by the Members at an ordinary Meeting.  Honorary members will be exempt from meeting registration fees.

Ordinary Members– An Ordinary Member of the Society shall reside or practise in Scotland or shall have received Specialist training in Scotland or shall be nominated by council. Applicants for Ordinary Membership shall be of the status of Specialist Trainee year 3 or above and should submit to the Secretary of the Society a signed application including the full name, postal and email addresses, qualifications and current professional appointment.

The secretary shall present these applications to the first meeting of the Council, who shall have the power of accepting or declining it. The details of each applicant so approved shall be  announced at  the first Business Meeting of the Society.

IV. Offices and Council

The officers of the Society shall be elected from the actively practising Members (including those in training) and shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary. These, together with the Immediate Past-President, Vice-President and four Ordinary Members shall constitute The Council. Five shall form a quorum. There should be a maximum of five co-opted members, including the audit and clinical effectiveness convener and the two ENT UK representatives (if not already council members) and the two regional postgraduate Programme Directors. The Offices of Education Convener, Secretary and Treasurer and Assistant Secretary shall be selected from those elected council members (6 in total). The Council Members shall be the elected representatives of two Scottish Constituencies, namely West and East, both of which shall have three elected representatives. The term of office for these council members  shall be three years, with the possibility of re-election for a further three years. Six years shall be the maximum term of any Council Member. The term of office of these council members shall be staggered so that only two council members change each year, one from each constituency. Candidates for election shall be proposed and seconded by Members of the Society, the candidate giving consent to such a proposal in writing. Proposals shall be submitted to the Secretary by 1st April. In the case of more than one eligible candidate being proposed for any constituency, an election of the preferred candidate will be conducted of all the Members in that constituency. The administration of this ballot shall be the responsibility of the Assistant Secretary. The result of the ballot shall be announced at the summer meeting of The Society.

The President, Vice-President and Immediate Past President shall hold office for one year and shall not be eligible for re-election.  The President should be in active practice in Scotland. Members from the same city shall not hold the office of President for more that three years in succession. The Council shall have the power to fill a vacancy occurring between Annual General Meetings and to vote for the President in the event of more than one senior consultant, still in active practice, being eligible for this position in the same year.
The secretary and treasurer may hold office for several consecutive years, but must be elected annually.

The Chairman –The Chairman shall take the chair for every council and business meeting of the society. Should the President and Vice President be absent from a general meeting of the society, then the Chairman should take the chair or designate one of the council members to do so . The Chairman shall be elected from the consultant membership of the society still practising in Scotland. The term of office for the Chairman is 3 years.

The President – The President shall take the chair at every general meeting of the Society. He or She shall have a deliberative vote, and, in case of equality, also a casting vote in all divisions. In his/ her absence, the chair shall be occupied by the Vice-President, failing whom, the Immediate Past-President. Should they also be absent, the Chairman of the Society will take the chair at the meeting. The President shall be the custodian of the President’s Badge.

The Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary to issue Notices and Billets calling all Meetings of the Society and Council, and to prepare the Agenda, under the guidance of the Council. He/ she shall attend all such meetings, keep regular and distinct records of the proceedings, engross them in the minute books and present these minutes at the next meeting of the Society or Council. He/she shall be the custodian of all Books, Documents and Furnishings belonging to the society, with the exception of the President’s Badge.

The Treasurer he/ she shall collect and be the custodian of all monies belonging to the Society and shall keep a correct account of his/ her whole intromissions with the funds of the Society, shall keep a Bank Account in the name of the Society, and shall prepare an Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, and a balance Sheet for submission to the Auditors. Such Account and Balance Sheet shall be presented for the approval of the Members at the Annual Summer Meeting.

The Assistant Secretary – The Assistant Secretary shall undertake such duties requested of him/her by the President, the Chairman or the Secretary. In the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall prepare the minutes of the meetings of the Society or Council.

The Education Convener – The Education Convener shall be selected, by the Council, from the group of elected Council Members. The previously separate Education Committee has been superseded by any support for the Education Convener being supplied by the other Council Members. The role of the Education Convener is to co-ordinate and organise the academic programmes of the Meetings of the Society and he/ she should work with the Regional Postgraduate Training Programme Directors in Scotland to help orchestrate combined Study Days, which will be conducted under the auspices of the Society.

The Audit and Clinical Effectiveness Sub-Committee – The Members of the Audit Sub-committee shall be Consultant representatives of each health board area. These members shall be selected by the Society Members within each health-board area to represent their interests, opinions and concerns to the audit sub-committee as well as communicating the progress and recommendations of that group to the Otolaryngologists whom they represent.

The Audit and Clinical Effectiveness Convener shall be elected from the audit sub-committee. The role of the Convener is to ensure that the audit sub-committee facilitates and supports the clinical effectiveness requirements of the membership.

V. Subscriptions

The Annual Subscription shall be agreed by the Annual General Meeting of members. Non-payment for two years may result in cancellation of membership.
Ordinary members who have retired from active practice shall be exempt from payment of the annual subscription.

VI. Meetings

At least two ordinary Meetings shall be held each year. Special Meetings may be called by the Council or by requisition of ten Members of the Society. At all Business Meetings of the Society ten shall form the quorum.

VII. Conduct of Business

The Council shall have the power of refusing any contribution offered for the Agenda. No one, except Members of the Society, shall be allowed to show cases or read papers unless by permission of, or at the invitation of the Council.

The opener of a discussion and the reader of a paper shall be allowed five minutes. The Council may grant an extension of this period. Subsequent speakers shall be allowed five minutes. By resolution of the Meeting these periods may be extended.

Abstracts of the papers presented at an academic session should be forwarded to the education convener in the designated format.

VIII. Additions to and alterations in rules

Notices of proposed additions to and alterations in these rules must appear in the Agenda of an Ordinary or Special Meeting of the Society. Before they can be adopted they must be approved by at least three-quarters of the Ordinary Members present at such a meeting.